Home SKSPA: Parents Association

SKSPA: Parents Association

The South Kent School Parents Association is dedicated to fostering an engaged and supportive community among the families of our students.  We encourage you to join one the SKSPA and note committees you would like to join.

View the Parents Association Booklet 2024-2025



Working collaboratively with parents and guardians is a crucial part of carrying out our Mission and fostering a vibrant community spirit. Whether you are interested in joining a committee or you have a special skill set that you would like to share, we welcome you to help us create an environment where we are committed to nurturing every student’s passion and guiding them to grow in their educational journey.

Meet the 2024-2025 Parent Leads.  Get involved with the South Kent School parent community!

1. Fundraising Committee: The Fundraising Committee collaborates closely with the Advancement Team, with a primary focus on achieving 100% parent participation in The South Kent Fund. This committee, comprising parents and guardians from every form, plays a critical role in supporting the overall student experience. We would ask those on this committee to help:

  • Raise awareness of giving opportunities and motivate parents to support The South Kent Fund.
  • Ask for gifts to The South Kent Fund, which has a direct impact on your student’s experience during this school year.
  • Ask parents to also support our Annual Day of Giving, Spring for South Kent. This 24-hour giving event brings together alumni, parents, and friends to support the School. Parents are invited to create engaging class-giving challenges among the forms that are based on participation, not dollar amounts.
  • Encourage parents to make a gift or pledge by December 31, with pledges fulfilled by June 30, and participate in our Annual Day of Giving, Spring for South Kent.

2. Outreach Committee: The Outreach Committee collaborates with the Admissions Office to establish connections between current parents and prospective families. We would ask those on this committee to help:

  • Support the admissions process by engaging with prospective parents and providing insights into the South Kent community to help them make informed decisions.
  • Represent South Kent at admissions fairs. Sharing your son’s experience in the admissions process, as well as his time here on campus, gives parents an understanding of what makes South Kent so special.
  • Host or participate in regional events for applicants and newly accepted families.

3. Community Engagement Committee: The Community Engagement Committee works with the Advancement Team to organize regional events and gatherings to encourage families to come together and connect with one another in support of the School and their sons. We would ask those on this committee to help:

  • Attend regional events and invite grandparents and special friends to join in.
  • Plan and host Game Day Gatherings: Whether here on campus or when the team is on the road, we have found that these gatherings have proven to be some of the best ways for families to connect with one another.
  • Sport your South Kent gear to show your SKS pride!

Please consider the benefit of working collaboratively with the School as we all come together to support our students, employees, and our Mission. Together we can create a lasting impact on the lives of our students and create a memorable academic year!


October      |   Soccer Community Day 2024

October      |   Fall Family Weekend

October      |   Soccer Senior Day 2024

November  |   Hockey Community Day

November  |   SKSPA Hockey AAA Game Day

December  |   Parent Association Giving Tuesday

December  |   New York City Holiday Event

December  |  Holiday Market at acclaimed Kent Barns | 2pm Basketball Game & 5pm Parade of Lights Meetup at the Morrison Gallery.  Enjoy the Kent the town wide Holiday Festival  and Holiday Craft Fair 

If you would like more information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Carol-Ann Bruen in the Advancement Office ~ [email protected] 

860.927.3539 x 205

Spring for South Kent is April 8th. Join us for our Annual Day of Giving.
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