Spiritual Life

St. Michael’s Chapel is the South Kent School community’s place of worship in the tradition of the Episcopal Church. Chapel services have always been an important part of life at South Kent School for members of all faiths. At South Kent students learn the Trinity of Values as a cornerstone of the Hillside community.
All students are expected to attend the three all-school services per week, which usually consist of the celebration of the Holy Eucharist on Monday evenings, a service of Midday Prayer with a speaker on Wednesdays, and a short Morning Prayer service to start the day on Fridays. In addition, there are voluntary services of Compline on Sunday and Wednesday. The Chapel is the one place on campus where the whole school can reflect upon our place in the world, finding comfort, inspiration, peace, and a sense of belonging.
No one is expected to abandon his own faith while at South Kent School. Rather, the School, in its faithful adherence to worship in the tradition of the Episcopal Church, provides a stable context for each person to engage with his own spiritual journey. Any students seeking to observe other non-Episcopal religious services should speak with the school Chaplain to make appropriate arrangements.
During the academic year, there are also several special chapel observances and services. These include: Founders’ Day, the blessing of the campus animals on the Feast of St. Francis, All Saints Day, Thanksgiving, Lessons and Carols, the Nativity Play, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Holy Week and Easter, Confirmation, the Induction of the Prefects, and Prize Day. The school community also usually shares in the Adoration Service once a term in lieu of the Monday evening celebration of the Holy Eucharist.
