Home In Memory of George H. Bartlett

In Memory of George H. Bartlett

It is with a heavy heart that I share that George Hodges Bartlett passed away on March 1, 2021. The third Headmaster of South Kent School, Mr. “B” epitomized the values of SKS.

The son of South Kent School founder Samuel Slater Bartlett, George grew up here on the Hillside before heading off to Groton, Williams and the U.S. Air Force.  George returned to SKS in 1961 as the School’s biology and Latin teacher. Following in his father’s footsteps, Mr. Bartlett took on the mantle of leadership and served as South Kent School’s Headmaster for 20 years, from 1969 through his retirement in 1989.

As a mentor to all the Heads of School who followed, George has maintained the legacy and upheld the values that his father set in place here at South Kent School nearly 100 years ago.

George  practiced simplicity of life in wearing the same, general “uniform” every day: a blue work shirt, knit tie with a pig penny tie clip, a blue blazer and brown boots. His office and home were simple and uncomplicated, with pictures of his family visible as the only extra adornments.  He was unquestionably the most self-reliant person on campus, equally adept at rethreading broom poles, repairing a clock with a strip of metal cut from a soda can, or healing the bruised ego of a 16 year old. George practiced directness of purpose every day of his life, always leading by example, getting straight to the point, and showing us how to get the job done right in simple, straightforward ways.

George maintained a close connection with the School post retirement and was a familiar face at alumni gatherings, alumni weekend, and as a member of our Board of Trustees. Few people pass through life shaping so many others. As a husband, father, teacher and headmaster, George taught us all compassion, humility and the importance of finding humor in every situation.

Our thoughts and prayers are with wife Maggie, children Polly, Peter, Caroline, Ben, and the entire Bartlett family.

Warm regards,

Lawrence A. Smith ’73
Head of School

If you would like to share any of your memories of Mr. Bartlett please email them to [email protected]. Memories will be posted to the website, our Pigtail Alumni Newsletter, and added to the next issue of The Hillside. If you are not already a member, please feel free to join the SKS alumni group where alumni will also be sharing their memories. https://www.facebook.com/groups/135802943249753/

Spring for South Kent is April 8th. Join us for our Annual Day of Giving.
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