Home Fourth Formers Bring History to Life in Galileo Trial

Fourth Formers Bring History to Life in Galileo Trial

Galileo Galilei was on trial once again at South Kent School on Wednesday, March 6th, and the entire Fourth Form participated in the project, embodying historical characters from 17th century Italy. The class was split into two consecutive trials, both with a modern courtroom twist. The first was based on the Decree of 1616 forbidding Galileo to spread his ideas supporting Copernican heliocentrism and the second modeled the subsequent 1633 trial of Galileo by the Roman Inquisition.

Students conducted much in-depth research to construct arguments and learn characters in advance. They worked to support their teams (defense, prosecution, judicial) for weeks leading up to the trial. In authentic period costume, many of the fourth formers amazed the audience (both in-person and on LIVE streaming video) with their eloquent arguments throughout the two trials. Viewers watched intense cross-examinations, heated objections, the charging of multiple witnesses for perjury, and the defrocking on high-ranking church officials.

With the judges ensuring fairness and order in the court, each team of lawyers and witnesses presented evidence and defended their position. Although it was a challenging task to decide Galileo’s fate, the judges ruled Galileo guilty in both trials and sentenced him to house arrest for the remainder of his life. This hands-on project is one of the preeminent events of the fourth form year and is a favorite among the students. It has become a tradition over the 20 years in which it has taken place.

Watch the videos on South Kent’s YouTube page below:

View the photos on South Kent School’s Facebook page!

Galileo Trial Cast & Crew

Judicial Roles Defense Prosecution
Judge Raffone, Casey Galileo Morgan, Masen Pope Urban VIII King, Paul “Trey”
Judge Chae, Eujin Sister Maria Celeste Mickanin, Alexander Grand Duchess Christina Medici Cataldo, Justin “JJ”
Judge Gavars Felikss Archbishop Piero Dini Li, Zecheng “Eric” Father Lorini Bolma, Joshua
Bailiff Wang, Nanfeng “Frank” Cosimo Medici Sartori, Landon Father Ricciardi Baptista, Dylan
Benedetto Castelli MacDonald, Cameron Cardinal Bellarmine Dalton, John “Jack”
Caterina Niccolini Ribera, Tyler Prosecution Lawyer Lauridsen, Gilbert
Sagredo Greene, Ryan Prosecution Lawyer Bongo, Jake
Defense Lawyer Ross, Charles Expert Witness He, Jinghao “Billy”
Defense Lawyer Chen, Mingjie “Jemmy”
Expert Witness Jiang, Bin
Judicial Roles Defense Prosecution
Judge Bennett, Gabriel Galileo Pointer, Matthew Pope Urban VIII Tran, Triet
Judge Kurrle, James “Jack” Sister Maria Celeste Yao, Bowen “Kevin” Grand Duchess Christina Medici Kulaszewski, Ryan
Judge Jung, Bennett Archbishop Piero Dini Holczinger, Noah Father Lorini Scott, Kevin
Bailiff Xue, Sheng “Tom” Cosimo Medici Plandowski, Oscar Father Ricciardi Bean, Jai
Benedetto Castelli Barnett, Eli Cardinal Bellarmine DeSaro, Paul
Defense Lawyer Ockman, Caleb Prosecution Lawyer Miranda, Cameron
Defense Lawyer Massie, Brock Prosecution Lawyer Mulvihill, Sean
Expert Witness Wu, Zhefan “Flex” Expert Witness Seidu, Mohammed

Teachers: Todd Gennings ’05, Sarah Pfeffer, Rich Chavka

Costumes: Cheryl Moore, Allison Gennings

Video: South Kent’s Advanced Media Group, led by Anthony Camardi ’08

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