Home The Nancy and Jerry Waller 1935 Memorial Garden

The Nancy and Jerry Waller 1935 Memorial Garden

A highlight within the serene landscape of South Kent School’s expansive campus lies a tranquil sanctuary known as the Nancy and Jerry Waller Memorial Garden. This peaceful oasis, adjacent to Kent’s hiking and biking trails, stands as a poignant tribute to the enduring legacy of Julius “Jerry” Waller, a revered member of the South Kent community, and his beloved wife Nancy. The garden, generously made possible by a heartfelt gift from their three daughters—Anne Waller Auerbach, Peg Waller Burhoe, and Sydney Waller—serves as a lasting testament to the profound impact Nancy and Jerry had on generations of students and faculty at South Kent School.

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Jerry Waller, an esteemed alum of South Kent School’s Class of 1935, dedicated nearly four decades of his life to the School. Joining the faculty in 1946 and retiring in 1982, Jerry left an indelible mark on South Kent as an educator, mentor, and coach. As Chairman of the Foreign Language Department, he shared his passion for languages and culture with his students, teaching French with enthusiasm and expertise. Additionally, Jerry’s influence extended to the athletic arena, where he coached hockey and tennis, imparting invaluable lessons of teamwork, perseverance, and sportsmanship to his players.

Nancy Waller was equally integral to the fabric of the South Kent community. Known for her warmth and hospitality, she graciously opened her home to numerous students over the years, creating a sense of family and belonging that extended far beyond the classroom walls. Together, Nancy and Jerry epitomized the spirit of South Kent School, fostering an environment where students could thrive academically, athletically, and personally.

As South Kent School continues to uphold its commitment to excellence in education and character development, the Nancy and Jerry Waller 1935 Memorial Garden will remain a cherished part of the campus landscape. It will serve as a reminder of the values that define the South Kent experience and inspire future generations to carry forth the legacy of Nancy and Jerry Waller—embodying their spirit of kindness, generosity, and love.

Learn more about Nancy & Jerry Waller, and the Dedication of the Waller Garden.

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