Home SKS – Early October Update

SKS – Early October Update


    Hope you and your families are all well and thriving.

    I know you all join me in praying for all those who were affected by the devastation wrought by Hurricane Helene, and for those who will suffer from Hurricane Milton when it hits Florida tonight.

Sunrise Over St. Michael’s Chapel

    Rev. Steve Klots captured a superb image of St. Michael’s Chapel this morning.  43F overnight on the Hillside, the foliage is turning, and the first frost is forecasted for next week (remember how that felt?):

SKS’s 101st Year Is Underway!

   There’s a lot of news to share.

   SKS is starting the year with 175 boarders and 4 day students.  Last year we were at 147.  55 of these boys are “traditional prep” students, as opposed to “high-performance athletes,” so we will be able to field conventional inter-scholastic teams in several sports.  This is the highest number of boarding students we have had, and there are no free beds on campus.  The final enrollment number may change somewhat, because a handful of boys from other countries have not yet arrived due to visa issues.  Overall, applications are up 72 percent over 2022-2023, so this reflects a very healthy school.

    The most recent Class Agents’ Zoom call on September 19th saw record participation.  Thanks to those who joined.  A few key points:

    >    Brian said, “We have an opportunity to nurture and develop young men in ways that larger schools cannot.”  “We are committed to building a school with an elite experience for boys, not a school for the elite.”

    >    The foundational principles of Simplicity of Life, Directness of Purpose, and Self-Reliance continue to occupy a central place in everything the school does.  “Thanks to the Class of 1967,” Brian said, gesturing out the window of his office, “they’re right there on the wall, and our boys walk by them every day when they leave the dining hall, when they leave the Old Building” (see below for more on the wall).

    >    The emphasis on mental health continues, embracing not only the boys but faculty and staff as well;

    >    The scheduling of academics and athletics has been restructured to give priority to academics;

    >    The Stockdale Leadership Program will seek to instill in boys the confidence to stand up for what’s right, and for others as well as themselves;

    >    The diningroom has been a “tech free zone” for a few years, in order to prevent cellphones from intruding on meals.  This year classrooms are also “tech free zones,” with students expected to turn in their phones at the beginning of each class (some teachers had been doing this previously, but now it is a school-wide policy);

   Here are some snapshots from the first week, courtesy of Lara Barrett:

   Now that Brian has had a year to get into harness, and assess adjustments needed to make the administration of the school more effective and efficient, some personnel re-alignments have been announced.

    Craig Carter has been named Dean of Students.  Craig has a broad background of accomplishment as a teacher, educational administrator, and coach:

   Lindsey Lefevre is the new Assistant Head of School for Academics and Student Programming.  Like Craig, Lindsey has extensive experience in educational administration, and she has alrerady made significant contributions in the few years she has been at South Kent:

   Luz McCarthy has been named the Assistant Head of School for Business Operations, and Finance.  In the few years she has been SKS’s Chief Financial Officer, Luz has brought system and good management practices to the school’s financial management:

    You may be interested to know that last year Brian spent 90 nights away from campus reaching out to various constituencies.  Carter, Lefevre and McCarthy will bring a level of consistent oversight to South Kent’s daily operations that will allow Brian greater freedom to travel in order to represent our school to alumni.

The Wall


    On September 11th, Nick Benson returned to The Hillside to perform maintenance on the slate panels into which he carved South Kent’s foundational principles two years ago.  The carving had weathered, and the words had become difficult to read from the courtyard.  Nick cleaned the slate, “tinted” the lettering, resurfaced the panels, and applied a sealant.  This process will reduce maintenance to an occasional washing for many years to come.  Here are a couple of photos:

(Note: The final photo was taken after Nick had tinted the carved letters, but before the final resurfacing and sealing.  That’s why they look fuzzy.)

    As always, please don’t hesitate to let me know if you have questions or concerns.

   Pig Tail Against The World!

Warm Regards,


Peter M. Thompson ’67

Alumni Engagement Associate

(571) 331-8143

“All things splendid have been achieved by those who dared believe that something inside of them was superior to circumstance.”

Bruce Fairchild Barton

1886 – 1967

Co-founder and first president of the iconic Madison Avenue advertising firm Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osborn (BBD&O)

Spring for South Kent is April 8th. Join us for our Annual Day of Giving.
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