Home SKS – Summer Ramblings

SKS – Summer Ramblings


Greetings from Camp Atterbury, an hour south of Indianapolis, where I’m supporting training for the U.S. Army’s Security Force Assistance Command as a “Special Knowledge Roleplayer.”  Late July in south-central Indiana…!
   As we get into the heart of Summer, there are a few things I’d like to offer for your consideration:
   > Don’t let the enthusiasm and interest generated by the Centennial slowly die for lack of nourishment!  Find reasons to stay in touch with your classmates, both individually and as a group.  Make sure everyone knows how to access South Kent’s website, Home – South Kent School, and our dedicated SKS community network, South Kent School Alumni Connection (sksalumniconnection.com).
   > Now is a good time to update your class listing, both for your own use and for the School’s records.  Ask Jennifer Haase (cc’d above) for a copy of the information we have on file for your class.  One by one, take the time over the next month or so to confirm the information with each of your classmates.  It’s critically important that we have a valid address for conventional mail, an up-to-date e-mail address, and at least one current telephone number.  And, it gives you an excuse to talk with everybody!
   > For classes having reunions in 2025, it’s not too early to start planning.  Are there any of your classmates who might be willing to form a reunion committee?  Will you be holding some sort of special event?  Do you intend to mark the milestone with a memento (t-shirts or ballcaps, for instance)?  Will you be making a special gift to South Kent, either as a class or in collaboration with one or more other reunion classes?
   Hard to imagine, but Labor Day and the start of the School’s 101st year are just around the corner.
   Stay cool!

   Pig Tail Against The World!

Warm Regards,


Peter M. Thompson ’67

Alumni Engagement Associate
(571) 331-8143