Home Military Service Record: Seth Taylor Gardner ’66

Military Service Record: Seth Taylor Gardner ’66

Name: Seth Taylor Gardner

Service Dates: Approximately late 1960s to early 1970s

Branch: United States National Guard

Rank: Not specified

Role: Military Service at Fort Worth, Texas

Summary of Service: Seth Taylor Gardner served in the United States National Guard following his graduation from Rutgers University, where he participated in the ROTC program. His service began at Fort Worth, Texas, during a period when the Vietnam War was winding down. His dedication to the military extended beyond his active duty as he remained an active member of the National Guard for as long as he was able.

Post-Service Life: After his military service, Seth pursued further education, earning an MBA from the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania. He had a long career in banking in Philadelphia and West Chester before transitioning to his true passion, military history. Seth’s expertise in this field was not only academic; he was an avid collector and creator of military models and dioramas, often winning prizes for his work.

Seth’s love for military history also led him to become deeply involved in The Great War Association, where he participated in World War I re-enactments, portraying a French “poilu” (foot soldier). He was a dedicated teacher and professor, sharing his knowledge of history and business at Delaware County Community College. His passion for the past was infectious, and he made several pilgrimages to France to visit World War I battlefields.

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