Home South Kent School Feeds the Need

South Kent School Feeds the Need

South Kent School once again demonstrated its unwavering commitment to community service with the annual “South Kent School Feeds the Need” event. Starting at 9am this Saturday students and faculty collected food in town at the IGA and at Senior Day sporting events.  Recognizing the profound impact of food insecurity on local families, our school rallied its community to make a tangible difference in the lives of those in need.

In a town like Kent, where over 100 individuals from 55 households rely on the local food bank despite a median income of $78,125, the urgency of addressing food insecurity cannot be overstated. Thus, South Kent School took action, aiming to collect monetary donations, nonperishable food items, and personal care products to support the Kent Community and Kent Food Bank.

Last year’s efforts yielded remarkable results, with our community contributing $1,600 in cash and online donations, along with hundreds of collected items, providing vital support to the Kent Food Bank. Building on this success, we once again called upon the generosity of our community to help alleviate hunger and food insecurity in Connecticut.

Throughout the week leading up to the event, South Kent students were actively involved in collection efforts both on campus during various sports games and in the local community, including a collection drive at the Davis IGA grocery store. Their dedication and enthusiasm underscored the importance of the cause, inspiring others to contribute and make a difference.

At South Kent, we firmly believe in instilling a sense of responsibility and compassion in our students, teaching them the value of giving back to their communities. Through initiatives like “South Kent School Feeds the Need,” our students embody the spirit of service and empathy, making a meaningful impact on the lives of others and exemplifying the core values that define our school community.

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