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Community Service

Giving back to others and the community is core to the ethos of South Kent School. Our civic engagement programs foster generosity, thoughtfulness, and a sense of purpose among our community members. Whether participating in daily Jobs on campus or volunteering for community service trips, students have many opportunities to answer the call to serve and learn the tremendous impact a single person can have in the world.

Service Trips

Develops a sense of purpose by challenging students to explore their call to serve. South Kent students are servant leaders who, in their pursuit of their life’s purpose, are willing to act selflessly on behalf of their communities. Each student will have to wrestle with the truth so clearly expressed in a prayer attributed to St. Francis:  “For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.”Throughout the year students will be immersed in a community service trip around Kent or to other locations throughout Connecticut. Through these trips, students will come to appreciate the opportunities afforded to them, in addition to understanding the tremendous impact a single person can have in the world.

Clubs & Activities
Community Service
Life on the Hillside

100 Years of Excellence

Job Programs

All students at South Kent School participate in the jobs program on campus by serving the school community in some aspect of the day to day functioning of the school. Jobs range from dishwashing or collecting recycling to leadership opportunities that allow our community to be self-reliant.



Spring for South Kent is April 8th. Join us for our Annual Day of Giving.
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